比特大陆日前2021-04-25 公布预告,蚂蚁矿机以太坊E9即将正式登场。以太币矿机以太坊ETH矿机顶32张RTX3080显卡!比特大陆:蚂蚁矿机以太坊E9正式登场! 核心参数方面,蚂蚁矿机E9的算力可达3GH/s,官方宣称相当于32张RTX 3080显卡(94MH/s)。如果拿120MH/s的RTX 3090来换算的话,那就是25张。拿26MH/s的NV专业矿卡CMP 30HX划算的话,更是115张。Bitmain recently announced on April 25, 2021 that the Antminer Ethereum E9 will be officially launched. In terms of core parameters, the computing power of Antminer E9 can reach 3GH/s, which is officially claimed to be equivalent to 32 RTX 3080 graphics cards (94MH/s). If you take the 120MH/s RTX 3090 to convert, that's 25. If it is cost-effective to take the 26MH/s NV professional mining card CMP 30HX, it is even 115.
Bitmain Antminer Ethereum E9 promotional video:
Bitmain Antminer Ethereum E9 Promotional Video
Of course, the power consumption of the E9 reaches 2556 watts, and the efficiency is very high at 0.85J/M.
Based on a rough calculation based on the unit price of US$0.13 per kilowatt-hour of electricity, the daily mining income of E9 is 236 US dollars (about 1532 yuan).
In addition, the mining power of 3GH/s may become the most efficient mining machine on the market, surpassing the 2.6GH/s of the 2600M, and the latter is 3000 watts.
It is speculated that the price of the Antminer E9 will be between 20,000 and 30,000 US dollars, and it will take about 85-127 days to pay back after a single investment. Even so, it's more cost-effective than buying 25 RTX 3090s, after all, you have to spend $75,000 and pay back 311 days.
The Antminer Ethereum E9 has been newly announced, bringing you a powerful mining machine. Your graphics card can be saved! The computing power of this Antminer Ethereum E9 is very high, and it can be calculated as equivalent to 32 cards of RTX3080! With such a high computing power, mine bosses should no longer reach out to graphics cards! You can look forward to graphics cards with normal prices!
Antminer Ethereum E9 is about to be launched - new details of Antminer Ethereum E9
Antminer Ethereum E9 core parameters
The computing power of the Antminer E9 can reach 3GH/s, which is officially claimed to be equivalent to 32 RTX 3080 graphics cards (94MH/s). If you take the 120MH/s RTX 3090 to convert, that's 25. If it is cost-effective to take the 26MH/s NV professional mining card CMP 30HX, it is even 115.
Antminer Ethereum E9 computing power description
Based on a rough calculation based on the unit price of US$0.13 per kilowatt-hour of electricity, the daily mining income of E9 is 236 US dollars (about 1532 yuan).
In addition, the mining power of 3GH/s may become the most efficient mining machine on the market, surpassing the 2.6GH/s of the 2600M, and the latter is 3000 watts.
Antminer Ethereum E9 price description
The price of Antminer E9 will be between 20,000 and 30,000 US dollars, and it will take about 85-127 days to pay back after one investment. Even so, it's more cost-effective than buying 25 RTX 3090s, after all, you have to spend $75,000 and pay back 311 days.
Antminer Ethereum E9 is about to be launched - new details of Antminer Ethereum E9
Graphics card market description
At present, the value of RTX3080 is above 15,000, which means that with the same computing power, it will take close to 400,000 to get the graphics card, and the power consumption is much higher. Even though the computing power of the entire network has skyrocketed and the mining cycle has become longer, there are still many people pouring in. However, with the continuous listing of high-performance and high-efficiency professional Ethereum mining machines, the overheating of graphics cards will also be alleviated. At present, the RTX3060 and graphics cards below 3060 in the seafood market have dropped in price to varying degrees.
Gamers can look forward to the performance of the RTX3050TI, RTX3070TI, and RTX3080TI next. Whether the RTX3080TI will eventually be fully locked or half-locked with real ETH computing power will be revealed next month. The RTX3080TI will be released on May 18, the ban will be lifted on May 19, and it will be released on May 26. The performance is very powerful. After all, it was cut by the RTX3090.






外界猜测蚂蚁矿机E9的价格会在2~3万美元之间,一次投入后大约需要85~127天回本。即便如此,也比买25张RTX 3090要划算,毕竟你得花7.5万美元,和311天回本。



蚂蚁矿机E9的算力可达3GH/s,官方宣称相当于32张RTX 3080显卡(94MH/s)。如果拿120MH/s的RTX 3090来换算的话,那就是25张。拿26MH/s的NV专业矿卡CMP 30HX划算的话,更是115张。





蚂蚁矿机E9的价格会在2~3万美元之间,一次投入后大约需要85~127天回本。即便如此,也比买25张RTX 3090要划算,毕竟你得花7.5万美元,和311天回本。



