枫雪动漫虽然没有倒闭 但是之前的论坛木有了  链接也失效 但是这些歌名还在 我就当收藏吧!

从 One Piece - Music & Song Collection 1~4 中提取出来的,138个。


Rayfile下载: 可惜已经失效


专辑: (138个)
C1_01 - The great pirate of Gold, Uunan [高昂] (邬南.罗杰).mp3
C1_03 - Hungry Luffy 1 [轻慢] (船上休闲).mp3
C1_03 - Hungry Luffy 2 [轻慢][短].mp3
C1_03 - Hungry Luffy 3 [轻慢] (船上休闲).mp3
C1_04 - EruDrago Appears 1 [轻快][短].mp3
C1_04 - EruDrago Appears 2 [轻快][怪] (追赶).mp3
C1_04 - EruDrago Appears 3 [低沉] (海军).mp3
C1_06 - The world's number one Oden sTore 1 [急促转缓慢].mp3
C1_06 - The world's number one Oden store 2 [轻高].mp3
C1_06 - The world's number one Oden store 3 [轻慢].mp3
C1_07 - On the shore! Golden island 1 [低沉].mp3
C1_07 - On the shore! Golden island 2 [低怪转高昂][短] (草帽小子剧场).mp3
C1_08 - Usoppu! It's dangerous! 1 [急促伴缓慢].mp3
C1_08 - Usoppu! It's dangerous! 2 [高昂] (海军).mp3
C1_08 - Usoppu! It's dangerous! 3 [轻慢] (船上休闲).mp3
C1_09 - Explosion! Sonic Wave!! 1 [高昂] (海军).mp3
C1_09 - Explosion! Sonic Wave!! 2 [高昂] (海军).mp3
C1_10 - Uunan and the Stone storage room [轻慢].mp3
C1_11 - Gold and Oden 1 [轻慢].mp3
C1_11 - Gold and Oden 2 [轻慢].mp3
C1_12 - Fury!! 1 [低沉] (海军).mp3
C1_12 - Fury!! 2 [低沉] (海军).mp3
C1_13 - GomuGomu Vs Goegoe 1 [高昂] (卓洛战斗).mp3
C1_13 - GomuGomu Vs Goegoe 2 [高昂] (海军).mp3
C1_13 - GomuGomu Vs Goegoe 3 [高昂] (海军).mp3
C1_14 - GomuGomu Bazooka!! 1 [高昂] (起航).mp3
C1_14 - GomuGomu Bazooka!! 2 [急促].mp3
C1_14 - GomuGomu Bazooka!! 3 [高昂] (起航).mp3
C1_15 - Message from Uunam 1 [低慢][短].mp3
C1_15 - Message from Uunam 2 [低慢].mp3
C1_16 - Departure of the King of Pirates! [低慢].mp3
C1_18 - Im becoming the king of pirates! [高昂].mp3
C1_20 - A reliable friend! 1 [低沉] (卓洛战斗).mp3
C1_20 - A reliable friend! 2 [急促转轻快伴轻慢] (逛街).mp3
C1_21 - To the Grand Line 1 [低慢转高昂].mp3
C1_21 - To the Grand Line 2 [高昂].mp3
C1_22 - Duel!! 1 [急促].mp3
C1_22 - Duel!! 2 [高昂].mp3
C1_24 - We did it! Party! [轻快转沉慢] (宴会).mp3
C1_25 - More and yet more, The adventure continues [高昂] (次回预告).mp3

C2_02 - 港村 1 [高昂][短] (集名).mp3
C2_02 - 港村 2 [轻慢].mp3
C2_02 - 港村 3 [轻快] (餐厅).mp3
C2_03 - Luffy [路飞主题] 1 [高昂][短] (路飞过场).mp3
C2_03 - Luffy [路飞主题] 2 [轻快] (逛街).mp3
C2_03 - Luffy [路飞主题] 3 [轻快][怪] (追赶).mp3
C2_03 - Luffy [路飞主题] 4 [低沉] (危机).mp3
C2_05 - Zoro [卓洛主题] 1 [高昂][短] (卓洛过场).mp3
C2_05 - Zoro [卓洛主题] 2 [低沉] (危机).mp3
C2_05 - Zoro [卓洛主题] 3 [轻高] (回忆).mp3
C2_05 - Zoro [卓洛主题] 4 [低沉] (战斗).mp3
C2_06 - Nami [娜美主题] 1 [轻高][短] (娜美过场).mp3
C2_06 - Nami [娜美主题] 2 [轻慢].mp3
C2_06 - Nami [娜美主题] 3 [轻慢] (回忆).mp3
C2_06 - Nami [娜美主题] 4 [轻快][短] (乌索普过场).mp3
C2_08 - Sanji [山治主题] 1 [低慢][短] (山治过场).mp3
C2_08 - Sanji [山治主题] 2 [轻柔][短].mp3
C2_08 - Sanji [山治主题] 3 [轻柔].mp3
C2_10 - 海賊 1 [急促转低慢].mp3
C2_10 - 海賊 2 [高昂].mp3
C2_10 - 海賊 3 [低慢].mp3
C2_11 - 悪いヤツ 1 [高昂][短].mp3
C2_11 - 悪いヤツ 2 [高昂].mp3
C2_11 - 悪いヤツ 3 [轻慢].mp3
C2_12 - 逃げろっ 1 [轻顿].mp3
C2_12 - 逃げろっ 2 [急促].mp3
C2_12 - 逃げろっ 3 [急促].mp3
C2_13 - 追いつめられた 1 [高昂伴轻顿] (开战.片尾).mp3
C2_13 - 追いつめられた 2 [急促] (海军.追赶).mp3
C2_14 - 怒ったぞ 1 [轻顿].mp3
C2_14 - 怒ったぞ 2 [轻顿].mp3
C2_15 - 許せないヤツとは_戦え! 1 [高昂] (胜利).mp3
C2_15 - 許せないヤツとは_戦え! 2 [高昂] (战斗).mp3
C2_17 - 生きる限り戦いはつづく 1 [高昂] (海军).mp3
C2_17 - 生きる限り戦いはつづく 2 [轻慢].mp3

C3_02 - To The Ocean 1 [高昂][短].mp3
C3_02 - To The Ocean 2 [高昂][短].mp3
C3_02 - To The Ocean 3 [高顿] (海军).mp3
C3_02 - To The Ocean 4 [高顿] (海军).mp3
C3_03 - Luffys Pace 1 [轻快] (逛街).mp3
C3_03 - Luffys Pace 2 [轻顿] (船上休闲).mp3
C3_03 - Luffys Pace 3 [轻顿] (船上休闲).mp3
C3_04 - Sanjis Feast 1 [轻慢][短].mp3
C3_04 - Sanjis Feast 2 [轻慢].mp3
C3_04 - Sanjis Feast 3 [轻柔] (餐厅).mp3
C3_04 - Sanjis Feast 4 [轻怪][短].mp3
C3_05 - Food Fight 1 [急促][短] (追赶).mp3
C3_05 - Food Fight 2 [急促] (追赶).mp3
C3_05 - Food Fight 3 [诡异][短] (鬼).mp3
C3_08 - If There Are Storms There Are Stars Too 1 [轻慢转急促] (紧急).mp3
C3_08 - If There Are Storms There Are Stars Too 2 [轻慢].mp3
C3_08 - If There Are Storms There Are Stars Too 3 [轻慢][短].mp3
C3_08 - If There Are Storms There Are Stars Too 4 [轻空].mp3
C3_09 - Mother Sea [梅利号主题] 1 [轻慢].mp3
C3_09 - Mother Sea [梅利号主题] 2 [轻沉][短] (集名).mp3
C3_09 - Mother Sea [梅利号主题] 3 [轻慢].mp3
C3_09 - Mother Sea [梅利号主题] 4 [轻慢].mp3
C3_11 - Stealthy Night Shadow 1 [轻慢] (逛街).mp3
C3_11 - Stealthy Night Shadow 2 [轻慢] (逛街).mp3
C3_11 - Stealthy Night Shadow 3 [轻快] (餐厅) (同C2_02_3).mp3
C3_12 - Landing At Town 1 [低沉][短] (片尾).mp3
C3_12 - Landing At Town 2 [低沉].mp3
C3_12 - Landing At Town 3 [轻顿].mp3
C3_12 - Landing At Town 4 [沉顿].mp3
C3_12 - Landing At Town 5 [轻快伴沉顿].mp3
C3_14 - Desperate Situation 1 [沉顿].mp3
C3_14 - Desperate Situation 2 [沉慢] (哀).mp3
C3_14 - Desperate Situation 3 [急促] (海军).mp3
C3_15 - One Hour Evacuation 1 [急促] (紧急).mp3
C3_15 - One Hour Evacuation 2 [急促] (紧急).mp3
C3_16 - I Cant Lose! 1 [沉慢][短] (片头).mp3
C3_16 - I Cant Lose! 2 [急促] (片头).mp3
C3_16 - I Cant Lose! 3 [高昂.顿] (战斗).mp3
C3_19 - We Did It! 1 [高昂][短] (集名).mp3
C3_19 - We Did It! 2 [轻慢] (黎明).mp3
C3_21 - After Eating] Grand Line! 1 [沉慢] (轻低).mp3
C3_21 - After Eating] Grand Line! 2 [沉慢] (片尾).mp3

C4_11 - Tonitoni Chopper [乔巴主题] 1 [轻快][短] (乔巴过场).mp3
C4_11 - Tonitoni Chopper [乔巴主题] 2 [轻顿].mp3
C4_11 - Tonitoni Chopper [乔巴主题] 3 [轻空].mp3
C4_12 - Grand Line Island (Cold) 1 [轻慢].mp3
C4_12 - Grand Line Island (Cold) 2 [轻慢].mp3
C4_13 - Grand Line Island (Hot) 1 [轻快].mp3
C4_13 - Grand Line Island (Hot) 2 [轻顿伴轻慢].mp3
C4_14 - Misu Orusundae [罗宾主题] 1 [轻柔][短] (罗宾过场).mp3
C4_14 - Misu Orusundae [罗宾主题] 2 [轻柔].mp3
C4_14 - Misu Orusundae [罗宾主题] 3 [轻柔].mp3
C4_15 - Umi no Namamono 1 [沉慢].mp3
C4_15 - Umi no Namamono 2 [沉慢].mp3
C4_16 - Shizuka na Ikari 1 [轻慢].mp3
C4_16 - Shizuka na Ikari 2 [沉慢].mp3
C4_16 - Shizuka na Ikari 3 [沉顿].mp3
C4_17 - Shinkenshoubu 1 [轻快伴轻柔].mp3
C4_17 - Shinkenshoubu 2 [急促].mp3
C4_17 - Shinkenshoubu 3 [高昂] (战斗) (末.福兰奇过场).mp3
C4_18 - Mezase One Piece 1 [高昂].mp3
C4_18 - Mezase One Piece 2 [轻慢].mp3
C4_18 - Mezase One Piece 3 [轻慢].mp3

其他: (3个)
Allegro Con Fuoco(打飞克洛克达尔).mp3

[One Piece音乐分享]海贼王 TV版 OP+ED下载(更新狙击王之歌和ChopperMan)

如果有资源 我会发出来!
