
What should be the formatted disk allocation unit size? , I didn't pay attention before, when formatting the hard disk, the default option is quick format. Later, I heard that the hard disk format required by the Windows 7 system is more strict, but I don't know how much the allocation unit size should be set.


格式化分配单元大小的意思是指系统对磁盘进行读写的最小单位。在极限速度以内,格式化分配单元大小与硬盘读取的速度有关,分配单元越大,硬盘读 写速度就越快,反之则越慢。但这里同样需要注意一个问题,格式化单元分配越大越会造成空间的浪费,打个比方来说,如果我们要用方块填充满一个盒子,方块越 大越容易堆积满,但存放的总量并不多。如果是小方块由于挨的紧,因此实际上小方块可以堆更多,也就是存放更多东西。因此通俗的说,如果要速度可以将格式化 分配单元大小设置大一些,但硬盘存储空间相对来说比较容易浪费,格式化分配单元大小设置小一些,可以在磁盘中存放更多的东西。


Generally speaking, the smaller the allocation unit, the more space-saving it is, and the larger the allocation unit, the more time-saving it is. Explain: The file is divided into several blocks according to the size of this allocation unit and stored on the disk. For example, a file with a size of 513 bytes, when the allocation unit is 512, it occupies 1024 bytes of storage space, and when the allocation unit is 4096, it occupies 4096 bytes of storage space, so it looks like the allocation unit A smaller size can save space. In fact, it is not. The more blocks a file is divided into, especially when these storage units are scattered, it will waste some time when just reading the data. It is conceivable that the magnetic head is on the platter for one point one Time is just wasted when dipping data is moving hard.

For example, for a partition dedicated to storing audio and video files, the cluster can be set to 16K or larger. It is best not to install the application on the partition whose cluster is not 4K, which will reduce the efficiency. Therefore, the general partition allocation unit size can be the default.

As for the size of the allocation unit, it mainly depends on the type and size of the stored files. If it is a trivial application file and it is a Windows7 system, it must be a 4K size, but if it is a warehouse disk, it mainly stores large-volume continuous, audio and video files. For files with continuous data of this type, it is not easy to waste space, so you can choose the allocation unit size of 64K or 128K, and it is also convenient to quickly operate large-volume files.

Re-emphasize that the waste of space often refers to small-sized files, which is easy to cause incomplete writing of a single file cluster, resulting in a waste of disk space. If the storage disk is also used as a download disk, it is naturally impossible to choose a large allocation unit size. .

The meaning of "allocation unit size". The so-called allocation unit size is the smallest unit for the system to read and write to disks and mobile storage devices. Within the limit speed, the larger the allocation unit size, the faster the read and write speed, and vice versa. There is a problem to pay attention to here. The larger the unit allocation, the more wasted space. This is like taking many square pieces of paper of the same size to completely cover a shape. The larger the area of ​​the paper, the easier it is, but compared to the smaller A piece of paper, there will be more useless area on the edge, and the same is true for the disk allocation unit.
It is recommended to use the default value for the selection method when formatting. The system will adjust the default value to the most matching default value for you, without manual management, and it will take effect immediately after selecting the quick format. (unless special needs)







