
辅酶Q10,化学名称为2-[(全-E) 3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31,35,39-十甲基-2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38-四十癸烯基}-5,6-二甲氧基-3-甲基-p-苯醌, [1]是真核细胞线粒体中电子传递链和有氧呼吸的参与物质之一,为黄色至橙黄色结晶性粉末,无臭无味,遇光易分解。


辅酶 Q10 (CoQ10) 是一种天然存在的物质,具有多种健康益处:

心脏健康:辅酶Q10因其对心脏健康的益处而闻名。 它通常用于充血性心力衰竭等疾病,通过增强心脏功能和减少液体积聚来帮助改善症状。 它还用于治疗胸痛(心绞痛)和高血压,可能会减少这些病症的发生频率​​。

预防偏头痛:一些研究表明辅酶 Q10 可能有助于预防偏头痛。 虽然确切的机制尚不完全清楚,但据信辅酶 Q10 在线粒体功能中的作用及其抗炎特性可能促成了这种效果​​。

神经退行性疾病保护:辅酶 Q10 可能对大脑具有保护作用,可能降低阿尔茨海默氏症和帕金森氏症等神经退行性疾病的风险。 人们认为可以通过减少可能导致这些情况的有害化合物来实现这一目标​​。

抗氧化特性:CoQ10 是一种强大的抗氧化剂,几乎存在于身体的所有细胞中,主要集中在线粒体(细胞的能量工厂)中。 作为一种抗氧化剂,它有助于保护大脑、心脏和肌肉免受氧化应激,并可能具有抗炎特性。 这意味着它可以帮助促进生化反应并保护细胞免受损害。

支持皮肤、大脑和肺部:辅酶 Q10 可能有助于支持皮肤、大脑和肺部的健康。 它被认为可以预防癌症和糖尿病等慢性疾病,尽管需要更多的研究来充分了解这些好处​​。

虽然 CoQ10 被认为是安全的,副作用很少,但在医生的监督下服用很重要,特别是如果您患有既往病史或正在服用其他药物。 辅酶 Q10 在支持心脏健康、预防偏头痛、预防神经退行性疾病方面发挥着多种作用,其抗氧化和抗炎特性使其成为许多人的有益补充剂。 然而,个人需求和反应可能有所不同,因此咨询医疗保健专业人士以确定辅酶 Q10 补充剂是否适合您并确保安全有效地服用至关重要。Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring substance that has a variety of health benefits:

Heart Health: CoQ10 is particularly known for its benefits to heart health. It's commonly used for conditions like congestive heart failure, helping to improve the symptoms by increasing heart function and reducing fluid buildup. It's also used for chest pain (angina) and high blood pressure, potentially reducing the frequency of these conditions​​.

Migraine Prevention: Some studies suggest that CoQ10 might help in preventing migraines. While the exact mechanism isn't fully understood, it's believed that CoQ10's role in mitochondrial function and its anti-inflammatory properties might contribute to this effect​​.

Neurodegenerative Disease Protection: CoQ10 may have a protective effect on the brain, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. It's thought to achieve this by reducing harmful compounds that can lead to these conditions​​.

Antioxidant Properties: CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that's present in virtually all cells of the body, primarily concentrated in the mitochondria, the energy powerhouse of the cell. As an antioxidant, it helps to protect the brain, heart, and muscles from oxidative stress and may have anti-inflammatory properties. This means it can help to power biochemical reactions and protect cells from damage​​.

Support for Skin, Brain, and Lungs: CoQ10 may help support the health of the skin, brain, and lungs. It's thought to protect against chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes, although more research is needed to fully understand these benefits​​.

While CoQ10 is considered safe with few side effects, it's important to take it under a doctor's supervision, especially if you have preexisting conditions or are taking other medications. The diverse roles of CoQ10 in supporting heart health, preventing migraines, protecting against neurodegenerative diseases, and its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it a beneficial supplement for many. However, individual needs and responses can vary, so it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if CoQ10 supplementation is right for you and to ensure it's taken safely and effectively.

